Yearly Domain Renewal

$25.00 / year

Yearly Domain Renewal fee from GoDaddy

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We’ll purchase your domain for you and make sure it stays up and running

We always recommend maintaining your own domain registrar account with your domain registered there.  We use, and recommend GoDaddy.  However, some customers don’t want the hassle of maintaining another online account along with another payment method and schedule . . . we get it.

We maintain many customer domains in our GoDaddy account.  This gives us easy access to it in the event something needs to change – and it removes the burden from you to maintain it.  Let’s be clear – this is still YOUR domain – so you make the decisions . . . AND, if you ever want to leave our services and take your domain with you, we’ll happily transfer it to your new domain account.

Additionally . . . we pull no profit from this.  We’re just trying to recoup some costs.  Normally, GoDaddy charges us $19.99/year per domain.  We charge you $25/year and pay taxes and transaction fees on that amount.  This is only to make life easier for you.


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